Terra aventura - geocaching in Aureilhan and Pontenx les ForgesTerra aventura - geocaching in Aureilhan and Pontenx les Forges
©M Turin Crtna

Terra Aventura, geocaching trail

Join the Terr’aventuriers community! Discover an unusual treasure hunt that combines fun and discovery. Whether you’re young or old, let us take you on a new adventure…

Terra Aventura... What is it?

Terra Aventura is a game that combines walking, discovery of heritage and natural treasures, observation and a sense of direction…

Terra Aventura is also a fun activity for all those who want to discover small places in an original way.

Finally, Terra Aventura is a100% free treasure huntbased on the geocaching concept, which can be carried out using a smartphone or GPS. It’s available 365 days a year.

2 routes are available here:

  • In Aureilhan, there’s the l’Arche de Zahan trail.
  • In Pontenx les Forges, there’s the Frère Zacqu’ dormez vous course!

Now it’s your turn to download the Terra Aventura app!

Enjoy your discovery!

How does it work?

To play, simply download the application onto your smartphone:

  1. Download the free application: Google Play – App Store
  2. Choose your route according to theme, duration, difficulty or proximity, and download the GPS data.
  3. Go to the starting point and embark on the adventure (bring good walking shoes, a bottle of water, a cap…).
  4. Answer the riddles. If your answers are correct, the GPS coordinates of the “cache” are displayed.
  5. Enter the “mystery word” from the logbook in the box to complete your profile. Surprises are in store for regular players.

All courses in New Aquitaine

Discover our 2 routes

– A tour of Pontenx les Forges

Go on vacation with Frère Zacqu’ and discover the many facets of the Bouricos site. A change of scenery guaranteed… A 2 km trail well-suited to young children – picnic area – public WC

At the end of the trail, you can extend your discovery by trying your hand at rampeau (Landais bowling), browsing theexhibition in the large Landais house (except in winter) and even indulge in a few souvenirs in the store. If you have any questions about this magnificent site, don’t hesitate to ask our volunteers.

– A course in Aureilhan

L’Arche de Zahan will take you to the wild, unspoilt shores of the Lac d’Aureilhan – Mimizan. Expect to see animals on 2 or 4 legs… unless they’re hiding or taking a nap! 6 km route – Picnic area – Playground (nearby) – Public WC.

If this trail makes you want to find out more about the Lac d’Aureilhan site, guided tours are organized in fine weather, and in the meantime read our articles.

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